Monday, April 16, 2012

a girlfriend in phily

i met a filipina in feb last year online, after much conversing and webcaming an phone calls etc etc I went the phily in august last year... had 3 fabulous weeks and returned to spain where i live (im english) we decided to try for a visa to bring her to spain for xmas... we filled in every form i got an official invite from the spanish authorities she did this did that and even bought health travel insurance... went for the interview in manila, paid another 4000pesos for the visa interview and we waited the required 15 days on that exact day a letter arrived to her address.. VISA DENIED no reason just stamped in her passport category c Whatever that is.... and no reason.. we were told to appeal within 28 days... it was a nightmare trying to appeal couldnt get intouch with anyone a different dept if your appealing and nobody was interested to help... anyway cut a long story short we had a huge row and we finished the relationship..... but what a corrupt and pathetic government the philippines is... there was no reason in this world to deny her.... non at all... they took the visa money and she even had to pay for the denial letter delivered by courier.....

If she lived in romania or bulgaria who wander into spain robbing and mugging people daily no problems. but an innocent filipina girl and no way..... so pathetic... so so pathetic...... anyway next time i will use an agency perhaps they know who to bribe...

a girlfriend in phily

Huh? Are you talking about Spain or the Philippines? Spain will be the issuing country for a visit to their country. The Philippines won%26#39;t care a lick.

Although slightly easier now since Obama has been elected, getting a tourist visa to the USA for a single young lady without visible means of support is darn near impossible. I am sure it is not much easier to the EU. It is even harder if she is educated and could possibly obtain work in the foreign country. Just the way the system is....

There is a special visa for filipinos from the EU interested in going to Italy for ';religious'; reasons. It has reciprocal priveledges to several of the Mediterranean countries as well. I belive Spain is included.

a girlfriend in phily


Yes tell me about it. I have been trying to get my wife here for four and half years now, but it doesn%26#39;t matter about the philippines its always the recieving country thats the problem. In four more years I%26#39;m moving to the philippines and start business to help people with this paperwork. Don%26#39;t get mad just move on and live life.


Like others have said, it%26#39;s not the government who is issuing the visa, but it is the Government responsible in an indirect way.

With povery-strick rural areas, issuing countries have to worry about several factors:

A. Sustainability.

B. Poor Governmental standards regarding healthcare to rurl/provincials.

C. The spate of terrorism in Mindanao - the Abu Sayaaf - and the untraced histories among the government, even with the Moro Island Liberation Force%26#39;s attempts to change Mindanao into a Muslim state much in the same way that Pakistan was excised from India in the 1940s.

Let me share a few thoughts on your situation, Im 25 years old, my girlfriend who is 22 is also a filipina, Ive been with her for 3 years now. I am in the process of applying for a sponsered tourist visa for her to come visit my country, I have been to the Philippines around 2-3 times a year on average. I am using a registered migration agent because I have never applied for a visa before so thought it would help my chances being a first timer. I will have a result within a month or two hopefully. I have heard stories of success and failure, the Australian immigration department is unpredictable I was told by my migration agent. Now here is the funniest part about Australian immigration law, reponses from this forum at the moment state that its the recieving country that make the choice to accept or reject the visa application. In Australia its the opposite, The final choice to accept or reject the Visa is made by a Filipino citizen in the Philippines, yes read it again people, a non Australian resident (Filipino) makes the choice if the Visa is rejected or accepted. My migration agent who is registered, so by law has to explain the selection process to me told me and explained the who system to me. Now i see why there is such a high failure rate for Filipinos trying to Visit Australia.

ok I actually spent time and money and did everything necessary and got her an official invite from the spanish government here in spain... I sent the official invite to her in phily... she had the interview with the spanish embassy in manila, they denied her a visa... on the invitation i am her guarantor for 60,000 euros if she didnt return to phily thats what i would be fined by spanish government... so why did the spanish embassy in manila deny her a visa..???? god knows... cos the spanish government in spain issued her an invitation to come...... that makes no sense to me and they didnt even tell her the reason why she was denied.... she had money in the bank to come she filled all the paper work in correctly.. she had a brand new passport never been in trouble innocent but denied..... so to me there is something sad about all this..... why is it so difficult to get a woman out of phily to another country???

Did she have a physical before she went to the embassy? Did you go with her on her first visit to the embassy? Sometimes they do back ground checks and if her or anybody in her family ever commited a crime, it will follow the family for life. I don%26#39;t know why but it does. I know its frustaing, because you know i have been going trough this for five years now.

for spain there is no physical exam required... and non of her family ever been in trouble with police and there is no record of anything like that.... she was coming here to visit me.. I was in spain waiting for her......

You can try traveling with her in the Southeast Asia countries that allow Filipino tourists. This wil allow her to get a few stamps in the passport and demonstrate she is not a risk for overstaying in a host country.

In regards to the US, you have to demonstrate that the tourist visa applicant has legitimate and strong ties that will necessitate her returning to the Philippines (i.e. car with payments, house with payments, strong community ties to church or organizations, gainfully employed). This does not apply to a great majority of the population.

Usually, going to the Embassey to have the interview with the applicant is not helpful. First, they infrequently will allow the sponsor in the interview with the applicant (they don%26#39;t have to allow you in to the interview!) and, secondly, it is the applicant who must demonstrate she is not a risk for using the visa for anything but tourism and that she will return.

It can be maddening, but if you jump thru the hoops, it can be done.

re: jet pilot%26#39;s response..

';In Australia its the opposite, The final choice to accept or reject the Visa is made by a Filipino citizen in the Philippines, yes read it again people, a non Australian resident (Filipino) makes the choice if the Visa is rejected or accepted. My migration agent who is registered, so by law has to explain the selection process to me told me and explained the who system to me. Now i see why there is such a high failure rate for Filipinos trying to Visit Australia.';


im bothered with your comment..are you trying to blame these poor pinoys who are working in the embassy? why dont you ask your australian govt to change the staff in manila? i challenge you to do that.

and pls. support your statement that because of these non australian staff there is a high rejection rate. is it them or YOUR AUSTRALIAN GOVT%26#39;S policy?

because i think if these fellow filipinos have their way. im sure everyone will get a visa. but no, they might be following some kind of system to follow from their aussie bosses. otherwise they will lose their job. i think sometimes you have to understand the intricacies of life.

to the original poster, i think you are barking at the wrong tree. you should address all your heartaches to the spanish government!

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