Thursday, March 29, 2012

Boracay Beach Destruction by DPWH

The Dept. of Public Works and Highways is planning a 8 meter wide concrete highway along the full length of Bulabog Beach, including the next bay, which will return to the main road along Kingfisher Farm road. They plan to build it right on the beach with a sea wall to protect the road, thus completely destroying the existing white sand beach, which has over the last few years become very popular with kite-boarders, and in the so-called off season, with all types of water sports.

Their reason for this stupidity is to overcome the traffic congestion on the island, which will in turn allow more vehicles on Boracay.

So just when you think the destruction of Boracay couldn%26#39;t become any worse, especially since the PTA%26#39;s recent ';Storm Water Project'; fiasco and the DENR%26#39;s ';Moratorium on Construction';, which no one has taken any notice of or enforced, along comes the DPWH with their idea to ';protect Boracay';.


Boracay Beach Destruction by DPWH

Do you have any documents supporting that and showing this?

We have to stop this. There are already more than three beaches destroyed: Manoc Manoc; Cagban, small beach in Yapak, Punta Bunga and now Bulabug

Boracay Beach Destruction by DPWH

This is very worrying Pikiwi. Is this plan to destroy Bulkabog Beach definately going ahead?

Also worrying is the recent drastic loss of sand at Diniwid and Panoly Beach. Even around the area of Willy%26#39;s Rock I noticed recently that the beach is only a few meters wide at high tide.

%26lt;%26lt;Their reason for this stupidity is to overcome the traffic congestion on the island%26gt;%26gt;

If they are so worried, they could start by refusing to allow so many new vehicles onto the island.

There are so many more vans and even cars here now. It is ridiculous to allow individuals to own cars on such a small island, to say nothing of unnecessary.

Today a gang of surveyors were active along the whole length of Bulabog Beach and I had a friendly chat with them about ';what are you doing';! They expained the width of the road (highway...their words), 5 meters wide plus 1.5m either side (footpath?), the position of the road (on the beach?), the sea wall to protect the road(?), etc. ';What about the beach';.....oh, that will be a road, Sir!!! I asked if this was part of the so-called Master Plan but they had no idea. I asked who gave permission for this planned road, and they mentioned that they have yet to discuss the project with the Municipality. But they did mention a guy called ';Ramos'; (DPWH) who could answer my questions better.

Starting date for the project.....';next year,Sir!';

Yes, this plan is ';a go';......but I don%26#39;t recall any Public Hearings!

Today a gang of surveyors were active along the whole length of Bulabog Beach and I had a friendly chat with them about ';what are you doing';! They expained the width of the road (highway...their words), 5 meters wide plus 1.5m either side (footpath?), the position of the road (on the beach?), the sea wall to protect the road(?), etc. ';What about the beach';.....oh, that will be a road, Sir!!! I asked if this was part of the so-called Master Plan but they had no idea. I asked who gave permission for this planned road, and they mentioned that they have yet to discuss the project with the Municipality. But they did mention a guy called ';Ramos'; (DPWH) who could answer my questions better.

Starting date for the project.....';next year,Sir!';

Yes, this plan is ';a go';......but I don%26#39;t recall any Public Hearings!

A road will not help Boracay, just lots more traffic and tourists.

I know tourism plays a big part, but my last visit February this year, I felt saddened by whats going on, in and around the island.....Plus what I%26#39;ve been reading on this forum. Its also frightening that the changes are coming so rapidly.

What would help?

I don%26#39;t want to see Borcay become a smaller version of Bali...traffic, pollution, over crowded,corruption,etc

You guys need help now before its too late.

Its true, and I%26#39;m sorry to sound so doom and gloomy.

We all wish that Boracay keeps at least some of its %26#39;magic%26#39; touch. Many wish that and even politicians wish that. The reality, however, is different: Boracay will be witihn 2 years a %26#39;mass-tourism%26#39; destination. While the politicians talk about sustainability and preserving the environment, they want at the same time 1 million tourists witihn the next 2 years. That can only be achieved with mass tourism. And for mass tourism you need infrastrucutre. The focus of the mass-tourism will be the White Beach, while the areas behind will be narrow, dirty and flooded 6-months a year. Bulabug will be sacrificd, as it has already happened in Cagban, Manoc Manoc, etc. There will be high-class hotel-ghettos in Yapak and Manoc Manoc, pardises within high security walls, not accessible for loals and mass-tourists.

The signs are already here: Never ever have so many hotels (from high end to low end) been so empty, never ever have amny shops and restaurnts had so low sales in the summer peak season. Meaning, that a this time now tourists are attracted, which spend as little as possible.

This trend shows itself clearly when you look at tourism receipts: Of 12 billion Peso official tourism receipts on Boracay, 7 + billion Peso are geneated by ~ 240,000 tourists. The rest, around 5 billion Peso are generated by 360,000 tourists and more.

That speaks for itself

Tragic and poorly thought out!!!

Unbelievable...NOTICE TO ALL PUBLIC OFFICIALS REGARDING BORACAY really need to go further afield and get some planning expertise.

Watching development of Boracay is a little like watching an old Harold Lloyd film.


I thought I had posted this earlier today but have not seen it appear so will try again.

Pikiwi%26#39;s post sent me googling around for info. I%26#39;m not sure how (or if) this is connected, but I turned up one pretty silly-looking article from Aklan News Online at… headed ';Boracay stakeholders seek MMDA chair’s help in addressing environmental issues';.

The article is dated Nov 5 (year not mentioned, and says, in part, ';The Boracay Foundation Incorporated (BFI), together with Malay Mayor Ciceron Cawaling asked the assistance of Metro Manila Development Authority (MMDA)chairman Bayani Fernando on how to respond to environmental issues in this resort island.';

The article goes on to say, ';In a press conference, Fernando recommended that the garbage be converted into a bio-gas and “developed into either cooling or warming effects for the community water system in the resort island.” Fernando also suggested that the Sangguniang Bayan craft an ordinance to put up a four-lane 20-meter width road project in Boracay.';

My gast is flabbered.

Pikiwi: Today a gang of surveyors were active along the whole length of Bulabog Beach and I had a friendly chat with them about ';what are you doing';! They expained the width of the road (highway...their words), 5 meters wide plus 1.5m either side (footpath?), the position of the road (on the beach?), the sea wall to protect the road(?), etc. ';What about the beach';.....oh, that will be a road, Sir!!! I asked if this was part of the so-called Master Plan but they had no idea. I asked who gave permission for this planned road, and they mentioned that they have yet to discuss the project with the Municipality. But they did mention a guy called ';Ramos'; (DPWH) who could answer my questions better.


As a beach lover and a potential visitor to Boracay who also happens to be an Engineer, I couldnt help but feel dismayed at this news. I did a little bit of poking around and found this:…western.htm

Could the road works be part of the Western Nautical Highways infrastructure plan undertaken by the Department of Public Works and Highways (presumably at the National level)? There is a portion that is labeled %26#39;Kalibo-Caticlan (improved)%26#39;. It looks like the Nautical Highways project has been on-going for a while now. Is master planning also done at the regional level (Western Visayas?) in the Philippines?

Nonetheless, a 5 m wide carriageway is barely wide enough for 2 lanes, could it be a new secondary road (and not a %26#39;highway%26#39; as what we understand the term to usually mean). The 1.5 m %26#39;either side%26#39; is likely a footpath+planting verge within which underground services (water, elect., etc.) can run. What I also don%26#39;t get from Pikiwi%26#39;s chat with the surveyors is the %26#39;sea wall%26#39;. I assume the %26#39;sea wall%26#39; is a proposed retaining wall on the side of the new carriageway closer to the sea, so there will be: (in the following order) the new road, a new boardwalk/grass verge, the retaining wall then a drop to the beach?

Anyway, I can%26#39;t wait to make my first visit to Boracay before it becomes another Pattaya.

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