Hello! Will it be warm enough for a beach day trip to Subic this time of year? Been checking out the forecast and it shows that there%26#39;s a small chance of rain during the next week and a half; do you think that will be a problem? Or does it usually only rain intermittently this time of year and probably wouldn%26#39;t ruin our day at the beach?
Any help/ insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!
Beach Weather??
It rains intermittently and the forecasts are never accurate so I wouldn%26#39;t rely on them. A trip Subic is fine now although it%26#39;s been quite cool recently and will be until February according to PAGASA, the weather agency.
Beach Weather??
hi! Zerk is right. The weather right now seems cooler than last yr and it will further go on till february. So may i suggest that if you want a nice hot, sunny weather come visit around late March till April.
Thanks for your replies. I arrived in Manila yesterday morning and it does seem much cooler than the other times I%26#39;ve visited...
Cool as in what kind of temp? I will be arriving in two days and will be heading to Palawan really looking for sun and warmth...no rain, please!!!
I would say temps are in the 70%26#39;s to mid 80%26#39;s, very comfortable. Its been getting warmer everyday though. Its not sweltering hot and very humid; last time I was here a couple years ago, it was in the 90%26#39;s maybe even 100%26#39;s. But that was during late Oct to mid Nov - so definitely cooler in comparison to what I remember. I personally think its warm enough for the beach, and no rain yet since Friday, but that%26#39;s in Manila.
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